Resiliency: Everyone has a Journey and Story Within Them!

Panic is a common occurrence and conditional state for many today and while you may not feel PANIC, others are and this energy is pressing in on you. Today we are faced with the dilemma of HOPE vs. Kool Aid and navigating these choices becomes harder by the moment. Every day we are inundated with digital information overload and even when we are scheduling out new and update intake, commercials and social media highlight the struggle that the world is engaged in, together. It is easy to become overwhelmed in times like these and the key is to find a rhythm and realize that we all have a journey and we all have a story within us. Today I will explore stress’s biochemical relationship with our bodies and how we can make our way through the time of “sheltering in place.”

How many times have we said to ourselves “if I had the time, I would …?” Faith, self-reflection, finding one’s center, finding one’s joy or self, self-improvement through goals, fitness, mindful eating, or some other self-care is what we all crave in our busy lives. Our lives are long serpentine roads and reflect on where we have come and where we are going is essential for stress mitigation. Even before social isolation, stress was a major complaint in everyday life for most and now 24/7 coverage on the virus and information over-load is a certainty leading to anxiety and panic.

Stressors (noise, environmental, ect) impact our health in many ways creating a cycle of inactivity, lack of motivation, and biochemical reactions within our physical being in negative ways (Maschke et al, 2000, Carpi 2016,  APA n.d., Harvard Health n.d.). Exercise is critical to mitigating stress and keeping off the weight typically gained, when hunger is triggered as stress depletes your energy stores. Additionally, Studies have shown that sugar or glucose (including excessive carbs) inhibit Vitamin C absorption; a vitamin critical for immune response (LivOn Labs 2018 referencing Chen et al. 2005). In Short Vitamin C and Glucose competes for the same critical protein, which will choose sugar over Vitamin C, the Glut-1 receptor (National Institute of Health Fact Sheet).

Furthermore, Vitamin C plays an important role in the human immune system, modulating immune responses, which are compromised by stress have shown to be strongly linked to bone mineral density, and calcium absorption. Going hand in hand with stress mitigation is exercise, including weight-bearing and resistance exercises, which aids in calcium uptake to the bones. But why is the critical? When we are under stress our bodies produce cortisol or “the stress hormone,” through our bodies out of balance. Calcium is leached from our bones and teeth to help neutralize the effects of cortisol and when stress becomes chronic, calcium is continually leached, leading to brittle, porous bones (over time), particularly in women. Another critical factor in calcium absorption is vitamin D, which is free from the sunshine and this leads me to the long road to creativity and your story.

There is a full body of evidence that exercise aids in creativity, just think about how focused and motivated you are after a walk or a great work out. Getting up, getting out of the house (responsibly) and getting sun and exercise. Remove yourself from social media, plan your time for digital media and social media, and refocus in on YOU and your community. Don’t try to carry the worries of the world, as we are all playing our part, making the mitigating factors work. Rather than drinking the Kool-Aid, find the hope in each day, call a friend, sit on your back porch and enjoy the fresh air, thank your mail delivery, your service industry, and if you are driving, move aside for the truckers who are restoring the supplies that every person needs. Remember when you were a kid and rolled down the window, asking for them to honk their horns? Ask your community is they are providing meals, bottled water, and sanitary materials for these critical people, who are driving across country with diminished services. Organize care packages for First Responders and local medical facilities. Sometimes focusing outward on a community issue, we can find an inner clarity and mitigate the stress that wreaking havoc not only in lives, but our mind and body too. Find your story, document your journey and write your way through this stressful time. Panic does not need to be a reality, it can be a motivating factor to refocus our lives.

In conclusion, exercise and stress mitigation leads to a healthier lifestyle shift and allows one to move through times of panic with purpose and focus. Focusing in healthy habits not only benefits our lives; but potentially, have positive effects on our communities. However, remember to use responsible techniques to mitigate risk to ourselves and others and make small changes, gradual changes to your diet and physical activities. Finally focus on the small tasks in front of you and allow tomorrow’s tasks to worry about themselves, and most of all change the situations you have control over and release the areas you have NO control over. For instance, you have control of your perceptions of a situation and perception is reality. This is your journey, find your story and make it happen.

All references are hyperlinked for further study.

Maschke, Christian, Tanja Rupp, and Karl Hecht. “The Influence of Stressors on Biochemical Reactions – a Review of Present Scientific Findings with Noise.” International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 203, no. 1 (2000): 45–53.

Ideas for At Home strategies of making the best of it

Ways to mitigate:




Structure your day, just like you would during NON-Covid 19 impacted days.


Limit your exposure media and digital stimuli. There is 24/7 coverage on the virus and information over-load is a certainty leading to anxiety and panic. Focusing on local or community-based events will help lessen this effect.


Start a digital group or join one. Find creative ways to overcome social isolation by reaching out. Set Daily challenges for your group:


Remember how to play: We have forgotten the silliness and ability to play required by former generations to entertain ourselves. Make a scavenger hunt, play dress-up (even if you don’t have kids) and just laugh!


Focus on the Hope and Positive message from the Local and business responses.


Focus on the tasks and day’s issue that you have control over. Be silly, play, and be creative.


My sister’s birthday has been cancelled and we are seeing this type of happening all over. I am setting up a Photo Sharing and Video Conferencing for my Sister’s birthday here in town. This got me thinking of others struggling with how to stay connected and occupied at the same time (online shopping is getting very expensive)! Miles separate us from our loved ones, so now is the time to organize a virtual reunion of family and friends, assign a pre party list of photos (scanned or pictures of pictures to share) to share with the group. Plan the party, decorate or plan funny challenges that can be shared via video conferencing. Be creative.

Create a FB group with your friends and family to keep the conversation going and focus on this time to be connected with them and not the immediate events that we are all immersed in. It is hard for all of us to not succumb to fear in these uncertain times, but we can create unique ways to reconnect to our family and friends. If you are using any online platform, remember to protect yourself from hackers, scams, and identity theft.

Some of you may have other ideas, please share them and we can keep this small list growing. Social distancing does not mean disconnected. This is not a comprehensive list, just some ideas to get you started!


Over coming Social Distancing with teleconferencing: (Over 3 people of households – 40 min time limit)

An article with the “6 best”



Addressing Stress and Anxiety:


Technologies’ role in Stress (Pre-Covid Article)


Photo Sharing for Distance events:

Creating a Hashtag for your event is always an option. But for events where all pictures matter:

I have tested “The Guest” APP for Birthdays, Bachelorette and Wedding events, and it is free to U.S. Participants (remember to turn off “auto share” for the event. Now is a great time for your family to pull out the old photos and start scanning them in. Consider creating a Virtual Family, Class, or Squad reunion.

Photo Storage Apps:

Working out at home:

Create a Fitness Group For At home Workout. Example, each person could sponsor a workout (water bottle make good weights). Provide a List of exercises and equipment needed, set a meeting time, and gym hair don’t care away! Even if you don’t have a jump rope, you can pretend! Don’t forget youtube has great free workouts.


Family Fun:  engage in an at home scavenger hunt. (These are for children, but can be adapted) Again you can create a Guest event or FB group for this.


Exploring the World Virtually:

Explore Live Cameras of the World (my favorite are the Cute panada fails)

Virtual Tours: Consider taking Virtual Tours of places you have always wanted to see.

Google maps has a feature to allow people to attach photos to areas, allowing deeper personal looks at areas. Explore London and other Covered places through the street cam view. I had to study the National Mall for a class and was able to go down in underground stations with the 360 degree photos provided by visitors.

Free Distance learning: (Mainly Adults, but appropriate for High School Age)

Take Online Courses: Some of these sites allow you to take the course (Audit/Free); however, if you want a certificate, you will have to pay for it.

Free Kids Educational Resources:

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